5 Ideas For Fostering a High-performance Team

Fostering a High Performance Team

Group of young people in training course

Disclaimer: PrintRunner is not affiliated or otherwise connected with companies mentioned in this post. Any opinions presented are solely their author’s and do not necessarily reflect PrintRunner’s. Images are claimed as author’s own, unless otherwise attributed

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re not reaching your full potential? Maybe you need to put together a report but you don’t have the full details to make it really comprehensive. So you just leave it because it’ll do the job.

Most people by nature will want to do a good job but the situation might not allow them to do their best. Whether you’re the boss or a leader of a team, getting the most out of yourself and those around you can be a matter of providing the right resources. Here are a few things that are going to help you foster a high-performance team.

Set Your Team Up for Success


One of the most important things you can do for your team members is to give them roles where they can flourish. If you don’t match the job to the right skill set, you’re not going to get the best out of that person and you’re probably skimping on quality too.

Provide a Mission

Sometimes when you can’t see the ultimate goal you can get lost in everyday tasks and lose motivation. Give your team a mission for the project so they have a sense of direction while accomplishing their tasks. Having something important that needs to be accomplished gives people motivation to strive for a better result.

Tanya Prive on Forbes.com says a high performing team “can articulate the bigger vision that drives them and have a shared, long term vision of their direction.”

Have a Plan


Having an idea for how things will work is a good start but to get the most out of your team, you need to do some serious organisation. Are there any processes or systems that need to be set up and communicated? Does everybody have a clear idea of the tasks and responsibilities? How can things be done more efficiently? When is the deadline? All these things are essential to establish.

An article on Entrpreneur.com suggests you “look at the workflow and resources available to help you understand the scope of the project and what support the team will need to be successful.”


If your team members aren’t trained in the right skills it will be harder to produce quality work. Give your teammates the right advantage by training them. Having the proper skills to do the task will equip your teammates for success. Make sure you make yourself available to your team as well. Being able to support them when they need help will be essential in fostering a high-performance team.

Solving Problems

If you’re the leader of a team, people will be looking to you when problems pop up. It will be your role to try and remove the barriers for your team and make it easier for them to do their job.

Toxic People


Sometimes there are going to be people who are just toxic to your team. Whether they’re not willing to collaborate or aren’t very good at communicating, these people are going to hinder the performance of other team members. While unfortunate, try to address these people as early as possible.

An article on hbr.org says high-performing team “achieve superior levels of participation, cooperation, and collaboration because their members trust one another, share a strong sense of group identity, and have confidence in their effectiveness as a team.”

These are a few things you need to consider if you want to get the most out of your team and turn them into a high performing unit.

Disclaimer: PrintRunner is not affiliated or otherwise connected with companies mentioned in this post. Any opinions presented are solely their author’s and do not necessarily reflect PrintRunner’s. Images are claimed as author’s own, unless otherwise attributed

Image Credits

Team: SalFalko via photopin cc

Agreement: SalFalko via photopin cc

Toxic Waste: cosmic_spanner via photopin cc

Plan: Jasmic via photopin cc


Author Bio

Maki is a feature writer for ProjectManager.com, a provider of online project management software to customers in more than 100 countries.


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PrintRunner offers online printing service based in Van Nuys, California. They specialize in supplying discerning clients with superior print stickers, business cards, posters, postcards, and other products at affordable rates. Get a FREE copy of their sample kit now and see for yourself.

1 Comment on "5 Ideas For Fostering a High-performance Team"

  1. As long as you focus your team on mission or goal that will bring the team together and foster a comradeship that will bring them together.

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